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Showing posts with label beauty. Show all posts

تعرفي علي أسرار جمال شعر عارضات الأزياء

عندما تشاهدين إعلاناً في التلفاز عن شامبو للشعر أو مستحضرٍ خاصٍ بجمال الشعر تندهشين من جمال شعر العارضة التي تظهر، وتسألين نفسك عن كيفية الحصول على هذا الشعر .. فبالطبع ليس هذا المنتج المعلن عنه وحده الذي يجعل شعرها بهذا المظهر ولكن هناك عوامل أخرى نكشفها لكِ اليوم:
-1 يفضل استخدام شامبو ومرطباً يحتوي على زيت الزيتون أو الجوجوبا لأنهم الأكثر فائدة للشعر
2- إذا كان شعرك مصبوغاً فقومي بعمل حمام كريم مرة أسبوعياً لتعيدي له الترطيب المفقود وبعد تجفيف الشعر بالفوطة ضعي كريماً ملمعاً يحتوي على البانثينول
3- الكريم الملمع أخف وزناً على الشعر لذا يفضل استخدامه على الشعر الخفيف حتى تحصلي على شعرٍ يبدو أكثر كثافةً ولكن لا تسرفي في كميات الملمعات حتى لا يهبط شعرك بسبب وزنها الزائد، أما السيرم فيستخدم لجميع أنواع الشعر.
4- عند استخدام مجفف الشعر يجب اتباع الطريقة الصحيحة وهي الاستعانة بفرشاة مستديرة مصنوعة من شعر صلب وطبيعي ولفي عليها جزءاً من شعرك وابدئي من الجذور وابعدي المجفف قليلاً عن الشعر ووجهيه للأسفل ولا تجعليه عمودياً علي شعرك واجعلي الفرشاة تنزلق لأسفل في اتجاه الأطراف دون أن تلويها ،وبعد الانتهاء من تجفيف شعرك تماماً اجلبي شعرك كله للأمام وأنثري عليه رذاذ الإسبراي الملمع فهذا يضمن ألا يكون هناك الكثير من المستحضر علي الجذور أو قريباً منها مما يحافظ علي مظهره الكثيف وإذا احتجت لتجديد اللمعة أثناء النهار أنثري قليلاً من الإسبراي الملمع علي راحتي يديك ومرريها علي شعرك بخفة
5- استخدمي مشط الشعر المصنوع من خامات طبيعية كالعاج أو الخشب ولا ينصح بالبلاستيكية لأنها تولد كهرباء تؤدي إلى تقصف الشعر وبهتان لونه
6- لإعادة اللمعان والحيوية لشعرك قومي بعمل حمام كريم على الشعر المبلل طوال الليل
7- للتقليل من تجعد الشعر وفقده اللمعان بسبب الاحتكاك أثناء النوم نامي على وسادة ساتان أو حرير بدلاً من القطن
8- إذا كنتِ تريدين عمل فارق بشعرك فاقسميه بالمشط وهو مبلل حتى تجف الجذور في الاتجاه المطلوب ورشي جذوره بقليل من مثبت الشعر
9-يمكنك زيادة كثافة شعرك ولمعانه وذلك بمزج ملعقة من الخل مع كوبٍ من الماء وتنثرين هذا المزيج على شعرك بعد إضافة الصابون والملطف ، ثم أتركيه على شعرك 3- 5 دقائق ثم أشطفيه
10- قبل الانتهاء من الحمام عدلي حرارة الدش بحيث يجري الماء البارد على شعرك بضع ثوان، لأن الشطف البارد يحبس القليل من الملطف ويتخلص من الرواسب، مما يظهر شعرك ناعماً وكثيفاً
11- إذا كنت تقومين بفرد شعرك بمكواة الشعر يومياً أو حتى من حين إلى آخر، يستحسن أن تستعملي أولاً مستحضراً واقياً لحماية الشعر من الحرارة الساخنة
12- حتى يسهل عليكِ تمليس شعرك بمكواة الشعر في المنزل، قسمي خصلات شعرك أقساماً عدة مثلما يفعل مصفف الشعر، ثم باشري فرد الخصلات الخلفية للشعر بدءاً من الجذور (ولكن لا تقربيها من فروة الرأس) ثم مرري المكواة على كل الخصلة
13- يفضل وضع مرآة خلفك وأنت تملسين شعرك بالمكواة للحصول على أفضل النتائج ولضمان مظهر أملس لشعرك كله

نصائح هامة للبشرة الدهنية الحساسة

نصائح هامة للبشرة الدهنية الحساسة:-
تعاني صاحبات البشرة الحساسة من مشكلات عديدة، فهن يتأثرن أكثر من غيرهن بالعوامل البيئية، ولأصحاب البشرة الحساسة سريعة التهيج بعض الأعراض كالانتفاخ والحكة وإحمرار الجلد نتيجة التعرض المباشر لأشعة الشمس، أو من تأثير الرياح أو نتيجة غسل البشرة بالماء الساخن جدًا أو بالماء البارد جدًا، فالبشرة الحساسة تمتاز بأن مسامها أضيق من غيرها وإنها أكثر عرضة لتكسر الأوعية الدموية بها، ولتبدأ في علاج هذه البشرة عليكِ بتحديد أي نوع من البشرة الحساسة تمتلكين لأن معظم الناس تعاني حساسية البشرة لكنهم يختلفون في درجة الحساسية، وهل ما تعانين منه فعلًا حساسية أم مرض جلدي، فبعض الأمراض الجلدية مثل الورديّة أو ضرر الشمس تشبه الحساسية في أعراضها لذلك عليكِ بالذهاب للطبيب المتخصص إذا كنتِ تعانين من تهيج بالجلد.
ولهذا تستعرض لك في هذه السطور أنواع البشرة الخمس، وبعض النصائح الخاصة بالتركيبات التي يجب أن تستخدميها للحصول على بشرة أهدأ وأقل تهيجًا عند تعرضها للشمس أو الأتربة.
أنواع البشرة
البشرة الدهنية:
تتسم هذه البشرة باتساع مسامها وانتشار حب الشاب والرؤوس السوداء والبثور عليها، وتتميز هذه البشرة بالمرونة نظرة لارتفاع نسبة الدهون بها وبقدرتها على مقاومة آثار التجاعيد، وتعتبر البشرة الدهنية هي أفضل أنواع البشرة لأنها قليلة التأثر بعلامات كبر السن.
البشرة العادية:
تتميز هذه البشرة بتوازنها ونعومة ملمسها وخلوها من الحبوب والبقع.
البشرة الجافة
يظهر في هذه البشرة مجموعة من الخطوط والتشققات، وتتأثر هذه البشرة بالشمس والهواء وعوامل الوراثة بشكل كبير.
البشرة المختلطة:
تعتبر هذه البشرة عبارة عن مزيج بين البشرة الدهنية والبشرة الجافة، حيث تتركز المنطقة الدهنية على الجبهة والأنف والذقن بينما تعتبر بشرة باقي الوجه بشرة جافة.
البشرة الحساسة:
وهي البشرة التي نتحدث عنها، وتتميز هذه البشرة بظهور العروق صافية من الجلد وسرعان ما تتحول إلى حمراء وتظهر بها البقع عندما تتعرض إلى مساحيق التجميل الكثيرة وسيئة الصنع والمحتوية على مواد كيميائية.

حقائق خطيرة تطرح لأول مرة عن العضو الذكري

ماذا تعرف عن حجم، طول واداء العضو الذكري؟

52 % يريدون قضيبا أطول، 34 % يريدون قضيبا أكثر سمكا - أو هكذا يقول استبيان نشره أحد المواقع الصحية. في الواقع، الرغبة في قضيب أكبر وأطول يشبه الرغبة في امتلاك سيارة فيراري – من منا لا يريد ذلك! ولعل أكثر سؤال محرج يواجه الرجل هو – هل انت راضٍ عن حجم قضيبك؟ حسنا، حان الوقت لنشر المعلومات السليمة والدقيقة عن طول وحجم وأداء القضيب. دعونا نبدأ بالأسئلة الأكثر احراجا وشيوعا.
سؤال #1: هل تفضل النساء القضيب الأكبر حجماً؟
يعتقد الكثير من الرجال أن حجم القضيب مرتبط بالرضا الجنسي عند النساء. ولهؤلاء نقول، ليس لديكم خبرة بالنساء. فهناك العديد من الأشياء التي تأتي قبل حجم القضيب أو في الواقع، حجم القضيب لا يأتي حتى على رأس القائمة. في الواقع، تشكو العديد من النساء من أن حجم الأعضاء التناسلية قد يكون سببا في الشعور بالألم اثناء الجماع. وهذا ما اكدته دراسة نشرت عام 2014 وأجريت في قرية في كينيا.
سؤال # 2: هل القضيب الأكبر يعني متعة جنسية أكثر؟
على العكس من ذلك، كما قلنا سابقا القضيب الكبير يعني الشعور بالألم أكثر من المتعة. في الواقع، القضيب الكبير بحاجة الى المزيد من التحضير والحذر. اغلب النساء لا يعرفن ما هو متوسط حجم القضيب، لذلك قد يبدو أنهن يفضلن الأكبر حجما ولكن الواقع غير ذلك، فكلما كبر الحجم كلما زادت المشقة الجنسية.
سؤال#3: لا يوجد قضيب كبير جدا لأي مهبل؟
في الواقع يلعب الحجم هنا دورا هاما فهو مبني على التوافق - حجم القضيب وحجم المهبل قد لا يتفقان بشكل جيد. بشكل عام، المهبل مصمم لاستيعاب أحجام وأطوال مختلفة ولكن هناك حالات يمكن أن يكون فيها غير توافق ابدا، مما يؤدي الى الشعور بالألم أو الإصابة. قد يكون المهبل جافا أو غير مستعد للقاء الجنسي، لذلك كما قلنا سابقا الحجم ليس هو أهم شيء.
سؤال#4: هل الاتصال الجنسي هو لحظة الدخول فقط؟
طبيا، أغلب النهايات العصبية في منطقة الأعضاء التناسلية للإناث توجد في الخارج وليس الداخل. هذا وكشفت دراسة أجريت على عينة من النساء ذوات الخبرة بالاتصال الجنسي، ان ثلثي النساء قلن بأن طول القضيب لم يؤثر على النشوة الجنسية على الإطلاق أو أنه جعل الأمر أكثر صعوبة بالنسبة لهن لبلوغ ذروتهن. ولكن مع ذلك، يبقى الامر هاما بالنسبة لثلث النساء. لذلك، الدخول مهم ولكنه ليس من الخطأ أن نعتقد أن تحفيز البظر هو أكثر أهمية.
سؤال# 5: كم يبلغ طول القضيب اثناء الاتصال الجنسي؟
أظهر بحث أجراه موقع مختص بصحة الرجال الجنسية أن متوسط حجم القضيب اثناء الانتصاب على سبيل المثال للرجل الهندي منخفض جدا – وهو الثاني قبل الاخير في العالم - ويبلغ 4 بوصات. بينما أعلى معدل هو للرجل الفنزويلي، ويبلغ 6.7 بوصة، وهو أقل من 7 بوصات. لذلك فأن خرافة بلوغ 7 بوصات أو أكثر نادرا جدا.
سؤال# 6: هل هناك علاقة بين حجم القدم وحجم القضيب؟
لقد تم نفى هذه الأسطورة من قبل اثنين من مراكز الأبحاث الموثوقة في لندن عام 2002. لا يوجد أي علاقة بين حجم القضيب وحجم الحذاء. بل هي مجرد خرافة مدنية تتسلى بها الفتيات.
سؤال # 7: هل يمكن تحسين طول وحجم القضيب؟
لحد الآن، هناك ملايين الدعايات التجارية التي تروج لأجهزة ومضخات وكريمات وحتى أدوية تزعم انها تساعد على إطالة القضيب. ولكن في الواقع، كل هذا غير حقيقي. الحل الوحيد لزيادة حجم أو طول القضيب هو الجراحة. بعض الادوية مثل الفياغرا تساعد على تحسين تدفق الدم الى القضيب ولكنه انتفاخ مؤقت. حجم القضيب لا يمكن أن يتغير الا بالتدخل الجراحي الدقيق، فهل انت مستعد للمخاطرة؟

Five Women on Why They Never Wear Makeup

Five Women on Why They Never Wear Makeup

Women wear makeup for a number of reasons: to transform and reinvent ourselves, hide imperfections, as a confidence booster when we want to feel like our best selves, to sculpt and enhance features — the list goes on.
In the era of highlighting and contouring, strobing and baking, with makeup brands popping up faster than you can scroll through your Instagram feed, and beauty vloggers earningsix-figure salaries — the beauty industry is indeed, booming.
There are women, however, who choose to forego the foundation and keep it au naturel.
Their reasons? Well, they range from embracing their natural face after years of wearing makeup to simply saving time.
I spoke to a few women about leading a makeup-free life.

Why did you make the decision to either stop or never start wearing makeup?

Jessie Kahnweiler, filmmaker and comedian: I never wore makeup growing up. I don't know if it's more being lazy than anything. I was never a total tomboy or anything, I liked getting dressed up. I was never like, I can't leave the house without wearing makeup.
I feel like it's like when people are like, "I don't watch porn", and everyone's like don't start, because once you start, you won't be able to stop. That's definitely how I saw makeup.
Belise Thomas, graphic designer at NBC and HRDCVR: Never wore it. I don't know if there was ever a solid reason, but I was always the kind of person that liked to do the least, if that makes sense. I like to wake up and not have to do too much. I just didn't want to have to spend all that time doing stuff.
Curly Penny, YouTube personality: I actually used to wear a lot of makeup. From 13 to 16 years old, I wore a full face of makeup. I had really crappy self-esteem. When I took off the makeup, I just felt really crappy about myself. I said, you know what —€” I'm gonna start this journey and try to accept my most raw state. As natural me as I can get. So starting at 16 years old, I slowly started just getting rid of the makeup. I noticed that it wasn't helping me at all, because I was only confident when I had it on.
Tyler Hamilton, visual merchandiser at Topshop: I don't think it was much of a decision, it just wasn't something I was really ever interested in learning how to wear.
Marie Van Cooten, pre-K teacher at the Joan Snow Pre-K Center: I guess it all started when I was younger, I was mostly like a tomboy, so I was never that interested in makeup. As I got older, people would tell me, oh you have nice facial features, you don't need makeup. So I kind of left it alone.

So you're 100% makeup free?

Jessie: I kinda have two modes. I'm pretty extreme. Either I'm on set working or it's an event or something and I'll have a professional makeup person. I feel like it's fun and I embrace it, because it isn't exactly who I am, but I embrace it. If I'm directing the piece, I really like minimal makeup for all my actors too.
Belise: Yes.
Marie: When I was younger, I took dance lessons, so for recitals I would wear it. I wouldn't wear it outside of that.

Did you grow up around women who wore makeup?

Jessie: I think my mom was a positive role model. She wore makeup and my sister probably wore makeup, but she was never like, this is how a lady looks and all that stuff. I would probably say I was more of an oddball. Everybody sort of has their thing, and I remember being really insecure about being really hairy. I always had a uni-brow, I was nervous about my mustache. That was what I obsessed over more, but I never started wearing makeup.
Belise: My mom didn't. My grandmother, no. She was a minimal person as far as getting herself together. She just swore by Vaseline. Then my mom was the same way, now I'm the same way. My older sisters always had on makeup, that was their thing.
Curly Penny: My mother never really wears makeup. She only wore makeup to family gatherings. That's the only time she would ever whip out makeup. My sisters, they would wear makeup every single day. My aunts are heavy makeup users. My aunts would always ridicule my mom for not wearing enough makeup, and they still do til this day. They call it fachosa in Spanish, that means like, lazy girl.

Do people make a big deal out of the fact that you don't wear makeup?

Jessie: My friends don't care. I would say that I think my mom will try to send me stuff. It's just never really been my thing. I would say though, men love that I don't wear makeup. You would think it's the opposite. In my experience, the guys that I have dated, they were like, "I love that you don't wear makeup."
Belise: I think that now, I'm finding that when I'm around my friends or girls that do wear a lot of it, they'll probably ask me like one time, like "hey, do you wear XYZ," and I'm like no. it's never really a big deal. And I know one of my closest friends, she wears it sometimes, but she's kinda getting to a point where she doesn't want to wear it at all.
Curly Penny: Somebody actually told me I was brave for not wearing makeup.
Tyler: Not really, because I don't think most people even notice that I'm NOT wearing any makeup. I do put quite a bit of effort into my skin, so I think i can get away with a barefaced without looking "bare."

Instagram and YouTube is a hub of swatches, reviews, and demos. Do you ever feel pressure to say to hell with this and run to Sephora?

Jessie: I would say not as specific as, "I need to go buy that foundation." But I would say, more so Instagram than YouTube because you feel like there's less separation between you and celebrities because you're all using the app. I would say it's unhealthy and it makes me nervous and it makes me grateful that I didn't become a teenager with Instagram. When I have professional makeup people, it looks different. I just think it's important to notice that.
Belise: I never felt any pressure. I think one time when I did try to wear something it just felt like I had an extra layer of something on my face and I needed to get it off. I just never felt compelled to do it. I do see the reviews and stuff all the time, and I'm like it's cool, but it was never something that I had that much interest in.
Curly Penny: Majority of the time, I don't feel any pressure. I don't have anything against people who like makeup, because I see those tutorials, and I'm like, that looks cool. I felt pressure one time and it was recently. My fiance's friend invited us to his yearly garden party, and I had never been to one of his garden parties before. When I showed up, I didn't go with makeup, because that's usually how I present myself. Literally every single female was decked out, they were wearing makeup, hair done, really beautiful gowns, heels. I felt so weird because I was the only chick with frizzy, curly hair, no makeup... and I'm sitting there, I felt so weird.
Tyler: I definitely feel urges to learn and or try it. I see the difference it makes in women's looks and confidence, why wouldn't I want that boost? Or to feel beautiful? I mostly wonder for my partner, does he think I'm too plain? Am I limiting my beauty? Or am I simply afraid of trying new things? However, I think I remain true to what works for me and understand that I can learn, try, change my mind about makeup whenever I feel ready.
Marie: Not really pressure, but I'll show some interest in it. I might go down the makeup aisle and look at little things. I'll pass by it, but I won't really want to buy it.

Do you believe there are any benefits to not wearing makeup?

Jessie: I just feel like it's a great metaphor for being me. I feel like I get to show up in the world and I want to be vulnerable in the world. I'm a writer, I'm an artist. I love interacting with people, that's my work. It's nice to just have to just put on my sunblock in the morning, brush my teeth and go out into the world as me. Literally, warts and all. Pimples and all.
Belise: I'd say I save a lot of time, money. I feel very comfortable in my own skin. I think that also helps.
Curly Penny: Spiritually, mentally, emotionally speaking a big benefit is I'm not attached to it. I used to be attached to it for happiness. I needed my makeup to feel confident. I've learned to put my confidence in other things besides how pretty I look in the moment.
Marie: For me, I have pretty sensitive skin and I'm just afraid that if I put on all that cover-up and foundation it's just gonna make it clog up and break out more, so I'd rather not just risk it cause I have enough stress in my life already. I don't want to make it even worse.

Women can often feel the unique pressure to look "polished," which by many standards includes some form of makeup, particularly in the workplace. How do you combat that pressure?

Jessie: As far as acting jobs. Have I not gotten acting jobs because I didn't look a certain way? I'd rather not get a job as myself than pretend to be something I'm not. When I need to look polished, I look at what makes me feel the most comfortable. Like, I know that sounds like such bullshit, but it really is the truth. If I need to look good, I take a shower, I wear my bad ass jean jacket. I wear tight leggings because I like my butt, a loose tank top or loose T-shirt. I have all these necklaces I wear, I put on lip gloss and I'm ready to go.That's what makes me feel polished, when I feel good about myself.
Belise: I'd say no, only because I'm a designer, so I can be very casual. I really don't have to dress up, I don't have to do that much. When I do have to dress up, and look a certain way for an event, I've never gotten any strange looks or backlash.
Curly Penny: I've struggled with that. When it comes to those really fancy situations, I go to show people, I'm a girl and I can show up without makeup. It's not the end of the world. A soft spot I have are weddings. My wedding is going to come up soon. I remember telling myself, I'm not going to wear makeup to my wedding, but once I put on my accessories and dress, I thought, oh, maybe a little would look nice. I'm struggling with that right now. Like, should I wear a little bit?

Any products that you believe help your skin thrive?

Jessie: I use Arbonne. I started using their stuff a couple years ago. I had an eating disorder for a lot of years and I wouldn't even wash my face at night. I was in that whole hell. Coming out of it, washing my face at night, putting on moisturizing cream, it feels like I'm being a woman of dignity. Even on the worst days, that's given me confidence
Belise: African black soap. Vaseline is great. I drink a lot of water. I'm really into green juice, making sure I get my veggies, staying away from dairy —€” so that also helps. I noticed my skin, probably from college til now, has gotten way better, the more I cut out certain things. Black soap is the shit, that's my main takeaway.
Curly Penny: I wash my body, including my face with African black soap. To moisturize sometimes I use rose hip oil, or sometimes I use coconut oil or shea butter. Usually it's whatever I can find the quickest because my products are all jumbled together. If you use a bit of Vaseline on your eye area, it gives you a bit of a dewy look. I like the dewy look.
Tyler: A Clarisonic, black soap, coconut oil, Cervae or Cetaphil facial cleanser, rose water toner, water.
Marie: I usually stick with Clearasil or Clean and Clear. They seem to do the job. Nothing too crazy.

Any advice for women who may want to go the no makeup route, but are a little nervous about it?

Jessie: It's whatever your comfort level is. It's your body. It's not anybody else's body. Whatever you feel comfortable with. I always see pictures of myself when I was a little kid. I'm 31 now, and I always see those pictures and I'm just playing, laughing, having fun. It's before I've become so aware of my place as a woman or what I need to look like. It's trying to cultivate those kinds of moments, because then you're not thinking about your face or what you're wearing.
Belise: I think like anything, if you've done something for a long enough time, it's kind of a habit for you and it can be hard to let that go. I'd say, start slowly maybe on a Saturday or on a weekend where you're just chillin', walking around the city, or running errands —€” don't wear any makeup or wear something light. With anything it takes time.
Curly Penny: I didn't really know any other females who were doing that at the time. It was hard for me because I didn't really have somebody to do it with. I think if you had somebody to do it with, it'd be a lot easier. My little sister, it's gotten to the point where she doesn't wear any anymore with me. It's a nice feeling to have somebody do it with you.

Get Her Look: Chloë Grace Moretz at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards

Get Her Look: Chloë Grace Moretz at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards

There was a specific inspiration behind Chloë Grace Moretz’s hair look at the 2016 Teen Choice Awards: disco. That’s right, the golden age of dance, from the hustle to the bump, got her stylist, Gregory Russell, thinking of how to modernize one of the great hair eras. He tells us he went with “extreme texture and volume” to complement her dress.
Russell started by dampening her hair with Paul Mitchell Extra-Body Daily Boost, working it through her roots for lift, and then working a small amount of Paul Mitchell Re-Workscream through her strands, stopping at the mid-ends.
Then he layered in Paul Mitchell Extra-Body Sculpting Foam, for body and hold, and blew her locks dry, using a multi-brustled brush. To get that voluminous lift, he pin curled the mohawk section of her hair, giving it a light spray of Paul Mitchell Dry Wash to hold the volume and texture while her hair cooled. 
Once your hair is completely cooled, Russell recommends applying a thermal protector like Paul Mitchell Hot off the Press. If you find you’d like to add additional movement, Russell recommends going through random sections of the hair with a curling iron to get a messier texture. 
Chloë’s look was finished with a pearl-sized dollop of Paul Mitchell Wax Works texture cream through the ends and a bobby pin to fasten one side up.
source yahoo.com

Eva Marcille’s Goddess Locs

Eva Marcille’s Goddess Locs

Remember America’s Next Top Model cycle 3 winner Eva Pigford? She collected her Covergirl campaign and Elle spread in 2005, and now she’s trying her hand at acting under the name Eva Marcille, so as not to ride on her modeling fame. Cycle 23 of ANTM will debut this fall without Tyra Banks, and we’ll admit, we were hoping to see Eva on the panel this season. 

This summer, Eva switched up her signature curly crop and debuted waist-length faux locs. She complemented her new summer style with beads, bright eyes and skin, and nude gloss for a fresh pout.

Hairstylist and trichologist Dr. Kari Williams helped Eva and her young daughter out with their new matching goddess locs. Williams focuses on hair and scalp health after seeing that it correlates with confidence, and she is responsible for some of the best braids, twists, and locs in Hollywood. Here are some of our favorite styles:


This Is the One Thing Zendaya Says She Will Never Do

In spite of the fact that she is developing into adulthood, Zendaya feels no criticalness to desert her energetic style. Truth be told, she has even been crusading to restore a few design patterns from her initial adolescence years — "Right now I'm into clear lip gleam. That resembled mid 2000s, '90s/2000s. I believe it's an ideal opportunity to bring that back!" she shouts. In any case, she likewise has a ton of fun dunking her toes into a more adult world. "I think I've generally been somewhat advanced in my style in any case," Zendaya says. "What's more, I don't feel a lot of weight to develop too rapidly. My developed lady attractive happens at a progressive pace. It's regulated, whatever I'm alright with."

In the wake of recouping from a period in her initial high schoolers where hair was seriously harmed from consistent warmth styling on Shake It Up, Zendaya has figured out how to better tend to her mane. Her every day routine comprises of profound molding with argan oil to seal in additional dampness, particularly amid the drier months. "Amid the mid year, I get a kick out of the chance to simply shake my normal hair and attempt to keep it as hydrated as could be expected under the circumstances, she uncovers. "The diffuser is my thing due to my wavy hair. I get a kick out of the chance to do the scrunch and the diffuse to get it a decent twist and bolt design. I'm attempting to keep it characteristic, attempting to not do a lot to it. It feels great here and there just to wear your hair the way it is." She's likewise turn out to be fairly a master for her mom's locks also. "The Chi Rejuvenating Mask, I advised my mother to utilize it when she initially colored her hair," she reviews. "My mother's a brunette, however she blanches her hair and it was beginning to make it truly dry and fresh. I resembled, 'Yo mother, attempt this stuff.' And it worked for her."

source yahoo.com

Rita Ora Wore Ribbons in Her Braids and You Can Easily Copy Her Look

Artist Rita Ora is as well known for her idiosyncratic style as she is for her voice. The "Body On Me" crooner ventured out in New York on Sunday, July 19 in a denim jumpsuit and ponytail interlaces.
Rita Ora out in New York City. (Photo: AKM-GSI)
Be that as it may, these weren't your common ponytails favored by third graders.

By meshing shading pop strips into every twist, 25-year-old Rita Ora made the basic style both restless and energetically summery. While it's indeterminate if the hairdo is for a photoshoot, one thing is clear — it's an incredible search for any individual who's hoping to zest up their meshes, however does not have the time or vitality to make a Daenerys Targaryen-style updo.

To reproduce the look yourself, first tie your hair into two braids on either side of your head. Next, get yourself a couple long, bright strips that are about twice the length of your twist. Wrap them around every braid and tie them together in a bow, over your versatile. At that point, isolate your pig tail into three areas, making a point to maneuver a lace into every segment (or place every one of the strips into one of the three segments, contingent upon your result inclination). Once you've segmented the hair, start meshing as you typically would, and secure with another versatile at the base of every interlace. Either let the strips hang free through the flexible or tie one around the pin into a bow, as Ora did here.

Simple, isn't that so? Try it out whenever you're hoping to add some shading to your look.

Tig Notaro Shows Off Her Mastectomy Scars and Twin Sons

Tig Notaro Shows Off Her Mastectomy Scars and Twin Sons

It’s perfectly natural for a new mother to show off her newborn babies on social media. But for comedian Tig Notaro, the announcement was more than just an opportunity to introduce the additions to her family, because it contained an important message as well.
In the first photo of Notaro’s twins, Max and Finn, she’s seen lying in a bed next to her children while topless, showing off the mastectomy scars she gained after her battle with bilateral breast cancer in 2012. Notaro, who’s married to Stephanie Allynne, shared the image on both Facebook and Twitter with the caption “this is my life.” The boys were born via surrogate on June 26.
Considering mastectomy scars have long been something women have viewed as diminishing their femininity — and oftentimes an embarrassment — rather than a permanent reminder of the life-threatening battle that they’ve won, it’s inspiring that Notaro chose to proudly flaunt her scars.
It’s also important to note that while social media sites have historically censored mastectomy scars, this image has flown under the radar. 
Unsurprisingly, fans of Notaro were more than encouraging about the photo, writing such messages as, “The culmination of strength, talent, acceptance, triumph over personal loss and the wonders of medical science has made this moment possible. Beautiful.” and “Gorgeous! Congrats, Tig. What a wonderful example of how we find light after darkness.”

Drake Dragged by Fellow Rapper for Maybe Having Liposuction

Drake Dragged by Fellow Rapper for Maybe Having Liposuction

Did he or didn't he? Regardless of whether Drake got plastic surgery, he doesn't deserve to be shamed. (Photo: Getty Images)

When we think of cosmetic surgery, we usually picture things like breast enlargements and lip injections. We rarely imagine men going under the knife or the needle. But that’s what rapper Drake is being accused of in a new track by fellow rapper Joe Budden, who claims Drizzy had liposuction to define his six-pack abs, according to Uproxx.
In “Afraid,” Budden has the nerve to sample Drake’s own music while claiming that the Canadian went to Dr. Miami — aka Florida plastic surgeon Michael Salzhauer — to get fat sucked out of his abdomen. “Yeah, Aubrey, that’s the one we trusted, not this new Aubrey with his stomach sculpted,” Budden rhymed, referencing Drake’s birth name, Aubrey Drake Graham. “He saw Dr. Miami and didn’t tell y’all … hip-hop weird now lol,” Budden tweeted, along with “Irrelevant rappers >> rappers who get lipo … twice.”
Nothing but Budden’s words, though, indicate that Drake had any cosmetic procedures at all. Even a plastic surgeon contacted by Uproxx said that Champagne Papi’s well-chiseled physique can be achieved through exercise, weight loss — and zero surgery. Though Budden implies that he knows the rapper went under the knife, his diss track could easily be retaliation for Drake’s hit “No Shopping,” in which he says, “I’m not a one-hit wonder, they know all my stuff/You let me turn into the n***a that you almost was.” Fans are convinced the dig is aimed at Budden.
According to Boston Plastic Surgery Specialists’ website, liposuction is very effective in men because their skin is literally thicker, so “retraction and tightening can be quite good,” and men can achieve rock-hard abs in an instant.
Statistics by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery show that the number of men having cosmetic surgery has increased significantly since 2000. Liposuction is the No. 1 cosmetic procedure performed in the United States, bumping breast augmentation for the top spot. Men comprised only 9.4 percent of those patients, but liposuction was the most popular procedure for them.
An article in the Telegraph says that the number of plastic surgery procedures performed on men increased by 16 percent in 2013, and liposuction was the fastest-growing procedure. The article said the U.K.’s Private Clinic of Harley Street reported a whopping 150 percent increase in men’s requests for VASER lipo, a minimally invasive procedure that uses ultrasound technology to target fat cells for removal.
“The most popular cosmetic procedures sought by men today are minimally invasive body contouring procedures, such as Vaser Lipo,” confirms Dr. Dennis Wolf, cosmetic doctor at the Private Clinic of Harley Street. “I think today men have a more open attitude towards cosmetic treatments and I also think they are more aware of the treatments that are available to them. If we look back 5-10 years, you would find a far lower number of men who would be prepared to have cosmetic treatments to improve the way they look; not because they did not want to undergo the procedure, but perhaps because they were embarrassed or did not want others to see them as vain. Now, however, perceptions have changed and people don’t associate cosmetic treatments solely with women.” 
Dr. Wolf adds that just five years ago, the majority of male VASER procedures he carried out were on men in their late 30s or early 40s, but now it is common for him to treat men even in their late 50s and early 60s.
Of course, it’s impossible to know whether or not Drake had such a procedure done, especially since his camp hasn’t spoken out against the verbal assault. But even if he did, it’s not a reason to take jabs at the rapper — or anyone who chooses cosmetic surgery.