j34FF5 BeautyMagazine: Why you should pick your products carefully

Why you should pick your products carefully

Why you should pick your products carefully

Read the back of almost any product and you'll be seduced into thinking you need to outlay more cash for it to work properly. Shampoos always state they work best with their sister conditioner, while it's rare to find a cleanser which doesn't have a matching toner, moisturiser and mask to complete the set. It can be hard not to buy into the hype, but according to beauty therapist and make-up artist Nathalie Eleni it's just that.

"I love to recommend products that I know are gonna work, that's why my clients come back because I'm not trying to sell them all one product," she told Cover Media. "I think it's important to have a variety of products in your skincare regime. I think it's unlikely that one range will literally have everything."

On top of this, Nathalie suggests some everyday items can have a more dramatic effect on your face than targeted skincare. Obviously that's not the case for everyone, but she has some tips for those who are suffering from sensitised or inflamed skin.

"Something like coconut oil is amazing for blemished skin, acne, things like that you can bring in which don't cost a fortune," she explained. "Raw honey is amazing as a healing mask. There's an actress I worked with and I got her doing that because her skin was completely inflamed and it took it right down. She did it a few times. I actually read in an interview she did, and she was saying that someone had recommended her to do that and it's now something she does regularly because it really does work. So as well as some amazing products there are some other little remedies you can use if you d

on't have a fortune to spend."

On top of this, think about long-term things you can do to keep your skin in tip-top condition. The better you care for it the healthier it will be, which means option for protection and not just slapping any old thing on it day to day.

"I think cleaning their skin properly, protecting it with a vitamin C and sun protection," she said, when asked what the top things people can do for their skin are. "There is no point blasting your skin in the sun, causing UV damage then counteracting with moisturisers. Just protect your skin. Wear an SPF - there are some amazing SPFs now that don't clog and have more natural protection in them."
the source


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