j34FF5 BeautyMagazine: Wikipedia article of the day for January 12, 2020

Wikipedia article of the day for January 12, 2020

The Wikipedia article of the day for January 12, 2020 is South China Sea raid.
The South China Sea raid was conducted by the United States Third Fleet between 10 and 20 January 1945 during the Pacific War. Undertaken to support the liberation of Luzon in the Philippines, it targeted Japanese warships, supply convoys and aircraft in the region. After attacking airfields and shipping at Formosa and Luzon, the Third Fleet entered the South China Sea and aircraft from its carriers attacked Japanese shipping off French Indochina on 12 January, sinking 44 vessels. The fleet then sailed north and attacked Formosa again on 15 January. Further raids were conducted against Hong Kong, Canton and Hainan the next day. The South China Sea raid was highly successful as the American force destroyed a large number of Japanese ships and aircraft, while losing relatively few aircraft. According to historians, the destruction of cargo vessels and oil tankers was the most important result of the raid, as these contributed to closing a supply route which was vital to the Japanese war effort.

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