j34FF5 BeautyMagazine: Money Diary: A 27-Year-Old Recently Redundant Account Manager

Money Diary: A 27-Year-Old Recently Redundant Account Manager

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking a cross-section of women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period – and we're tracking every last penny.This week: "I am a 27-year-old (ex) event account manager who was made redundant in November due to COVID-19. My dad passed away from a terminal illness three months ago and I am still trying to navigate life around my grief and finding normality during this already crazy year. I moved out of my flatshare with my two best friends to live with my mum to be each other’s moral support, which has definitely had its ups and downs during the second lockdown. I also feel lucky that my boyfriend, L, lives alone and has decided to have me and my mum in his support bubble as we live fairly close to each other. I decided against trying to find a job this year and will start to think about 'real life' (jobs, money, etc.) in January as fortunately my mum doesn’t expect me to pay rent or contribute to any bills while I am living with her. I am currently living off my savings; luckily, because of COVID I managed to save a little this year and my outgoings haven’t been excessive. As it’s not been that long since my last paycheque, I have roughly worked out what I think would be a comfortable amount to live on each month but of course I will adjust this as time goes on and I realise how much I can realistically live on. And not how much I want to live on. At the time of starting this diary I was in a tier 2 area and as mentioned, entered tier 3 halfway through the week." Industry: EventsAge: 29Location: LondonSalary: N/A (due to redundancy) but prior to December it was £29,000. Paycheque amount: N/A. I have budgeted myself £400 a month to live on. This is still new so I might have to adjust the amount moving forward (more likely I will need to tell myself to stop spending money). Number of housemates: One, my mama.Monthly Expenses Housing costs: N/ALoan payments: N/A. I don’t have to pay into my student debt atm.Utilities: N/A Transportation: Approx £30 on my Oyster card to cover all travel during COVID.Phone bill: £60 – I know it’s extortionate and I hate myself for it! I tried to reduce it but they wouldn’t let me. Stuck with it for another 10 months. Savings? £3,903 in an instant saver, £14 in Help to Buy (lol – I have a £1 monthly direct debit for this), £14,607 in savings account, £190 in Monzo pot. Other: Phone insurance £12.99, Netflix £3.75 (me and my friend share an account). Spotify, Amazon Prime, Now TV and Headspace I have free use of, thanks to my lovely friends and my bf. Day One 8.30am: I wake up after snoozing a few times. Even though I’m not working I want to keep to a routine, otherwise I feel like my days will roll into one. Catch up on socials and the news and get out of bed. 9am: Totally cba for breakfast so make a bowl of the sexiest cereal known to man: bran flakes with coconut milk. 10am: Sit down on my laptop and tick a few things off my list regarding my dad’s estate. It still feels odd talking about him in past tense. Spend a long time on hold – I have called this company so many times, I know the order of the songs they play. 2.30pm: Me and Mum get on the Tube to meet L for lunch at Dishoom, hands down my fave restaurant in London. Eat all the food – my fave is the vada pau, which is like an Indian chip butty. It’s so, so cold outside so I decide to go for the oat chai, which is unlimited so naturally I drink about five. I have an unhealthy obsession with this drink. This is Mum’s treat, which me and L are very thankful for. Tube journeys: £ Back home and too full to move, I get snuggled up on the sofa and read a book. I’m currently reading two and today I pick up The Fault In Our Stars. I’m roughly halfway through and really enjoying it, can’t wait to watch the film once I’m finished. I end up falling into a deep food coma and nap for an hour. 7.30pm: Start to get niggles of hunger which makes no sense to me as I didn’t think I would ever eat again after lunch but I realise my stomach’s missing its daily mince pie. 8pm: Make myself and my mum a green tea and we get settled to watch the last two episodes of The Crown. Diana is everything and it makes me annoyed at how she was treated but I also have to remind myself this is a TV show and it’s not all real!10pm: Get into bed, catch up with friends on socials and fall asleep. Total: £5.30Day Two8.30am: I wake up and a reminder pops up on my phone telling me to buy the train tickets for me and L’s staycation, they cost £71. It’s for his birthday next year. Luckily I had put money aside for this so it didn’t come out of my monthly budget. 9am: Quickly make some toast and a cup of tea and jump in the shower. I start to get ready to head into central to get my mum’s Christmas present.12.30pm: Finally leave the house and jump on the Tube. Luckily it’s not busy and I can get a seat without someone sitting next to me, which is the holy grail in this day and age. £2.6512.50pm: Get off at Marylebone and head to The White Company. I was organised this year and got a lot of my gifts in the Black Friday sales. I buy her a loungewear set and cashmere socks from The White Company because realistically we won’t be going anywhere anytime soon so we might as well be as comfy as can be at home, right? It’s spendy but she deserves the best I can (just about) afford right now. £200 because I have a £50 voucher. 1.30pm: Head to Selfridges and make some mental notes of things I am going to buy the second I get a new job and my first paycheque. The lack of job/income sometimes fills me with anxiety as I feel I have no direction at the moment but I remind myself that I made the decision not to look for a new job after being made redundant and to take time out to recoup after a very difficult few months. Once I’m ready, things will get better – I hope. Realise my brain is about to explode and I need fresh air, stat. 4pm: After a little stroll I grab some food at the Selfridges Christmas market. Get tempted by cheesy pasta as I want something comforting to go along with my mulled wine. I stick my headphones in and listen to my fave podcast, The Receipts, while I gobble down my food. £174.30pm: My friend K messages me to say she’s heading over and I’m so excited – I haven’t seen her since March. We grab a coffee from Monocle in Marylebone (K pays) and have a little wander around, catching up on everything that’s happened this year. She’s such a positive person and she always makes me feel better about life, no matter what is going on.7pm: I say bye to K and jump on the Tube home, fighting the temptation to fall asleep in my seat. Does being out in the freezing cold make anyone else really tired? £2.657.20pm: I’m not hungry for dinner so get straight in the bath to thaw my body and soak for a bit while reading. My friend S gifted me a book about grief, it’s called The Adult Orphan Club. I try not to read it every day as it does make me cry but I’m finding there’s a lot of similarities between the author and me and it helps to know someone else has gone through this too. 8pm: Officially defrosted and decide to get into bed. Very wild Friday night. Put on an episode of Schitt’s Creek – this is the third time I’m watching and I have no shame. 10pm: L calls me on his way home and we catch each other up on our days. We talk for hours (more like I ramble on about the craziness going on in my head and he listens) and we end up falling asleep on the phone with each other. Total: £222.30Day Three 11am: It’s the weekend and I have no alarm. I honestly could sleep for days if I was allowed to. I decide to stay in bed for a little while as it’s too cold to get out just yet, flick on my electric blanket and get settled while scrolling on Instagram. 12.30pm: Finally decide to get out of bed but only because my stomach has awoken. Brunch is my favourite meal of the day and I get a tinge of sadness because I definitely miss getting dressed up for brunch with my friends. Yes, I’m basic. Decide I’m going to make shakshuka for me and Mum, it’s my best one yet and we’re so close to licking the pan clean. 1.30pm: I quickly get dressed into my running gear before L gets to mine. I started Couch to 5K at the start of the second lockdown and L decided to join me halfway through. I find running really helps with my anxiety and I was so over the YouTube/Zoom workouts during the second lockdown. We’ve made it to week seven and I am so proud of both of us. 2pm: Back home and I jump in the shower. I’m meeting my best friend E tonight for an early dinner (outdoors!) and I want to wash and straighten my hair, which takes 100 years.6pm: Jump in an Uber because I’m late (nothing new there), pick up L on the way. £86.30pm: E and his new girlfriend are already there. I spy that we are seated right next to the outdoor heater and I am instantly happy. Dining outside in winter is madness but I get it’s what needs to be done right now. It’s my first time meeting E’s new girlfriend; it’s always a little nerve-racking meeting your partner's friends so I try to make sure she feels comfortable. She soon settles, with the help of a lot of alcohol. My alcohol intake has reduced massively this year and after a few glasses of red it’s gone to my head. This is shocking on my part. The food definitely helps, I choose to carb it up with a burger and chips but I do not need the last glass. Great first impressions made and we decide it’s time to call it a night. L pays for our half of the dinner as a treat and orders us an Uber home, which he also pays for. £112 for both. 12am: Get into bed without taking off my makeup and crash out. Total: £8Day Four12pm: Open my eyes and I feel rough af... Send help. Snuggle with L for a little bit which makes everything feel better and he brings me breakfast and a cup of tea in bed. I love this boy. 2.30pm: My best friend M and her boyfriend got a puppy a few months ago and it’s my first time meeting him. She’s a French bulldog and I am SO excited. We take her for a walk around the park and then head to the pub for a drink. I have two G&Ts which are £14 in total as they are doing an offer! 4.30pm: Back home and I start to get a little crave for something sweet. I grab the black bananas from the fruit bowl and get to baking some banana muffins using a Deliciously Ella recipe. I love banana bakes but I don’t think I can see or eat another banana bread for a while after the overload during the first lockdown. 5.30pm: They’ve finally cooled down and I naturally eat three with no shame. 6.45pm: L comes over and I make a start on dinner for us all. I make some veggie fritters using a Deliciously Ella recipe along with some paprika sweet potato wedges and chilli and garlic broccoli. I want something fairly healthy and wholesome after eating out so much the last few days. 8pm: We decide on watching a Christmas film and land on The Holiday as L and Mum haven’t seen it. I disliked it the first time I watched it but thought I’d give it another chance. Please don’t hate me everyone but it’s still terrible – how do people like this film?!?! 10.30pm: Fall into bed and fall asleep around 12ish. Total: £14Day Five8.30am: Alarm goes off and I feel a wave of sadness: today marks three months without my dad. I decide I want to stay in bed a little longer before I face the day and Mum brings me a cup of tea in bed… Massive perks to living at home. We have a little cuddle and decide to get out of the house for a few hours. 9.30am: Decide to put some effort into breakfast today and decide on pancakes for both me and Mum. American pancakes are one of my faves, we’ve run out of fresh fruit so I cook down the frozen fruit to create a compote situation with some whipped cream on top. YUM!!12pm: Jump in the car with Mum and pop to the shopping centre near us, it’s so busy for a Monday afternoon. I need to return one part of L’s Christmas present – I sometimes hate shopping online for this exact reason but luckily I find something better to replace it for the same price. We mooch around John Lewis for a bit and I buy a mascara as mine is running low, I have even been putting it in hot water to prolong its demise. £282pm: We realise we have no food at home so decide to do our food shop at M&S while we’re here. I have my eye on their vegan nuggets – I have been making the transition to becoming a full-time veggie for the last two months and things like vegan nuggets definitely help! We buy lots of veggies for the week – we usually buy what we like and figure out what to make as we go along. Stock up on Christmas party snacks and basics like milk, bread, eggs. I do occasionally pay for the food shop but as we are doing it together, Mum pays. 3pm: I get us both a hot chocolate from Starbucks and we head home. BBC News pops up on my phone, notifying us that we will be in tier 3 from Wednesday. I nearly shed a tear and I totally understand it’s for the best but I can’t help feel sad it’s so close to Xmas. Me and Mum have a discussion on the way home about it as I can’t seem to understand why only restaurants and pubs are being targeted as shops will still be open?! This makes no sense to me. £5 for both small hot chocs. 4pm: Not massively hungry so munch on some apple with peanut butter before meeting L for our run. Might have scoffed a cheeky mince pie too. 6pm: Back from my run, I’m improving so much and feeling so proud of myself. I’ve been tracking them on Strava as I want to see how I’ve progressed over the last few weeks, now I’m doing solid runs with no breaks in between. L stays for dinner and Mum makes us falafel pittas. 8.30pm: Catch up on Masterchef: The Professionals. I am obsessed with this show and really want Santosh to win. He’s so cute and super talented! 10pm: Have a shower and climb into bed. Start reflecting on the day and decide to ring L to distract me, which does the job. I sometimes prefer to distract myself rather than wallow in my sadness. 1.30am: Struggle to sleep but I think I fall asleep around this time. Total: £33Day Six 8am: Set my alarm a little earlier today and curse myself for it. I want to get a lot done today so jump straight out of bed before I get too comfortable and into the shower. 9am: Sit at my desk and have a morning of filling out forms for various different companies linked to my dad. I had kept them in a pile and told myself I will smash it all out in one morning so here we go... Wish me luck. 10am: My amazing mother brings me some porridge and a cup of tea and checks in to see how I’m doing. 1pm: Completed the pile! Feeling very proud of myself as it was all stuff I had been putting off. I realise it’s raining so tell myself I’ll go to the post office tomorrow to send them off. 1.30pm: My tummy demands to be fed. Have some cucumber, peppers and pitta with hummus for lunch. I prefer having snacky things for lunch rather than a big meal. I then eat a mince pie with a cup of tea while watching an episode of Friends. 2.30pm: Decide to keep having a productive day so I clean my room and light some candles. Does anyone else feel on top of everything once you have a clean room? 3.30pm: Chase up some companies I haven’t heard back from after I informed them of my dad’s bereavement. It’s stuff like this when I realise exactly why people have solicitors but I’m reminding myself that as much as I find it hard at the best of times, I guess I am learning life skills along the way. I have to look at the positives in this particular situation or I would go crazy. 5.30pm: I am done for the day. Want to switch off so I pick up The Fault In Our Stars with a cup of tea, feeling very smug in my very tidy room. 6.30pm: In the mood for a lasagne so me and Mum get started on making this together. We use Quorn veggie mince for the first time and have our fingers crossed that it tastes as good as the real version. We follow another one of Deliciously Ella’s recipes (I promise I’m not sponsored by her) but cheat along the way. We don’t have the time to make the white sauce ourselves so crack open a jar we had in the cupboard but use mustard in the sauce as she suggests and it tastes SO good. I start thinking about how good this would be on chips...7.30pm: The lasagne is amazing and honestly I cannot taste any difference to the meat version. We have it with a simple side salad of lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes and avocado. Very happy there’s leftovers for tomorrow and I am stopping every inch of me eating it all tonight (I may have gone back for seconds). 9pm: Look at my emails and see a competition to go to Singapore for a week with all expenses paid with business class flights. I rarely enter these but this one sounds way to good to pass up. I pray to the competition gods that I win. I start watching the third episode of Grand Army on Netflix, it’s getting really good and I’m now invested in the characters. 11pm: Get into bed and scroll Instagram until an ungodly hour. Total: £0Day Seven 7.30am: Alarm goes off and I am not a happy bunny. I have an appointment this morning and I’m a little worried about it. Start to think about getting out of bed and I get an urge to recheck the details…my appointment is tomorrow morning! Thank the universe and fall back asleep. 8.30am: Open my eyes for the second time this morning and FaceTime L. He’s got a day of meetings so I won’t hear much from him during the day. I send him a link to Somerset House’s dodgems pop-up as they are not doing the ice rink this year. We decide to book for next year in the hope it doesn’t get cancelled. We opt out of a dining package as the veggie options are never as good and the street food options look good enough. L pays and I send him £15 for my half. We get carried away and realise we’ve been on the phone for an hour and now he’s late to ‘work’ (he’s WFH). 9.30am: I get out of bed and jump in the shower. I let out a little cry when I realise my face wash is almost finished. I can see a small amount left in there so I decide to cut it open and scoop out what’s left. Don’t judge me, at £20 a pop I can’t afford to throw away valuable product!10am: Mum's gone out very early this morning and got fresh pastries from Gail’s Bakery. I have a croissant and a cinnamon bun with a hot chocolate. Feeling very French and fancy this morning. 12pm: My last Xmas present arrives and I decide to have a Christmassy day. I put on some Christmas music and grab all my gift wrapping stuff and get started on the mountain of gifts I’ve bought. I’m terrible at this but I give it my best and wrap ribbons around everything in an attempt to make it look pretty. 3pm: Make a smoothie bowl for lunch. It has oats, frozen banana, avocado, cinnamon, dates and oat milk. I sprinkle coconut flakes and crushed pistachio on top. I’ve been meaning to look into bereavement therapy but keep pushing it to the back of my head as I’m worried about reliving what I went through and how I feel. While having lunch I decide today is the day I make a start and look into some practices that specialise in grief therapy. 5pm: Get ready for my run with L. I remind myself I need to buy some new leggings and I have little time to kill so fire up my laptop. Why is running stuff SO expensive? I close my browser as I realise I can’t justify spending £40 on a pair of leggings this month. Maybe Santa will come through for me. 6pm: Back from my run and absolutely knackered, jump in the shower and wash my hair. Decide to put some Olaplex in. I use this every now and again and I’ve noticed a massive change in my hair for the good but I find it dries my hair out. I wonder if this happens to everyone and vow to start using a hydrating hair mask alongside it next week. 7.30pm: So happy we have leftover lasagne as I cannot be bothered to think about chopping and peeling vegetables tonight. Stick it in the oven with some garlic bread and basically stand at the oven waiting for it to heat up. 8pm: Eat dinner in front of the TV and catch up with some Masterchef. They have to cook for pro chefs tonight and my faves get through to the final. I feel super happy for them!10pm: I get into bed, put on an episode of Grand Army and fall asleep. Total: £15The BreakdownFood/Drink: £36Entertainment: £15Clothes/Beauty: £28Travel: £18.60Other: £200Total: £297.60Conclusion"Overall this was not a typical week as I am not treated to lunches/dinners/drinks all the time (I wish!) so if I had to pay for this myself and kept this up, my monthly budget wouldn’t last long and my savings will dwindle FAST. I also am not spending £230 on gifts every day and wanted to get something nice for my mum for Christmas. I think moving forward I could perhaps reduce my monthly budget as due to COVID I have not been going out as much and still have money left over to treat myself and go out for a dinner/drink too (when allowed). I’ve actually found this really helpful in terms of calculating my budgets moving forward and hopefully I will find a job soon and can start putting money back into my savings. I’ve also noticed I’ve mainly eaten two meals a day this week. I’m not a fan of lunch and do like to snack on fruit or veggies with dips but I should definitely make more effort to eat three meals a day." Like what you see? How about some more R29 goodness, right here?Money Diary: 25-Year-Old On 60k Visiting Sao PauloMoney Diary: A Film Exec In London On 37.5kMoney Diary: A Student Biomedical Scientist On 16k

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