j34FF5 BeautyMagazine: Sylvester Stallone Praises Toddler’s Amazing Rocky II Workout

Sylvester Stallone Praises Toddler’s Amazing Rocky II Workout

Sylvester Stallone Praises Toddler’s Amazing Rocky II Workout

‘Creed’ may have bred new life into the ‘Rocky’ franchise last year and with it has seen an amazing video of a toddler mimicking one of the iconic montage scenes.
When Zack Magilavy, a dad from Ohio, USA, decided to post a video to Facebook of his little son Charlie mesmerised by Sylvester Stallone’s training montage in 1979’s ‘Rocky II’, he probably didn’t imagine it’d blow up as much as it did.
Not only were Facebook users privy to seeing Charlie copy the entire training montage Rocky embarks on, it’s arguably the most amazing and adorable thing you’ll see all year (or until a new kitten Vine emerges). 
The one-armed push-ups to his shoulder pressing makes it clear that toddler Charlie’s a big fan of the ‘Rocky’ films - either that or his dad just has it on all the time.
Naturally, the video quickly went viral and soon amassed one million views, then two. In no time at all the video had been seen over three million times, as Zack hoped that in all the high profile commotion Sly Stallone himself would see it, and sure enough he did.
Taking to his Instagram account, Stallone, the one and only Rocky Balboa, shared the video himself to his 1.5 million followers.
 Sly added the following caption to express how proud it made him feel seeing a new generation of ‘Rocky’ fan emerge:
This kid makes me so proud that it touches A heart so young … Maybe I have to fight him and ROCKY 10 !!!
The video’s been seen on Sly’s Instagram almost a quarter-of-a-million times and that number’s set to rise as it continues to make its way around the internet.
While Stallone jokes about being in ‘Rocky 10′, we wouldn’t put it past him making a cameo with the superb shape the 70-year-old actor is in!

Mike P Williams#source

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